Stanley Area Historical Society

Books can be ordered by calling Betty Plombon at 715-644-5492 or Dave Jankoski at 715-644-5880. Most orders filled the day they are received. A reduced mailing cost can be arranged for multiple mailings to the same address. (See below)
Add $5 handling and shipping charge for one book. Add $2.50 per additional book needing to be shipped. All books also available at the museum.
Books For Sale From the Stanley Area Historical Society
“Our Historic Farms, Stanley, WI” Accounts of 55 local farms still in the same family and a short genealogy of each family. Published by the Stanley Area Historical Society. $15
“St. John’s Orthodox Church, Huron, Wisconsin 1906-2006.” A 100-year history of a small Russian Orthodox Church completed in conjunction with the parish centennial celebration. $5
“Carpentry Gadgets” by Brian Solie, $10. This book includes 27 ideas and plans for easy-to-make, job tested devices for doing carpentry.
Happenings Around Stanley by Arthur Heian, $5.00 Only one copy available.
So Many Cousins by Janice (Witt) Anderson and John Mortenson, Genealogist, $35.00. 369 pages of in-depth family histories and genealogy information on Anderson families who lived around Stanley. Only three copies for purchase at the museum or by mail.
“Images of Clark County” by Natalie Erpenbach and Stephen Roberts. $15. A book containing over 234 pictorial postcards and pictures from throughout Clark County including photographs from the Townships of Worden and Thorp. (Only 4 copies left from SAHS.)
“I Remember …. Stanley by the Stanley Area Historical Society” $15 An anthology of stories from our North Central Wisconsin area collected by Fred Evans and David Jankoski. $15
100 Years in Christ (1896-1996) – Holy Family Catholic Church Stanley $2.00 - with only one copy available.
“The Memoirs of Richard Stanley Bridgman” $2 Written by Dick in the early 1990’s at his children’s request and published after his death. Stories of his growing up in Stanley.
“The Chippewa County Chronicle” $20. A 150-year history of Chippewa County as a political entity, commissioned by the county board as a remembrance of the county’s sesquicentennial. Closing out remaining copies at the $20 price.
“Farm Growing Up_ A Saga of Wisconsin by Paul Nagel Closing out sale $5.00
“Another side of the 30”s,” depression era stories $2.
Stanley Our Town – Our Town 1881-1981 – Hard cover – only two copies left $40. Now out of print.
S. M. and P. Ry by Paul Nagel. This is a history of the railroad that served the Northwestern Lumber Company of Stanley. It brought logs from the woods to the mill in Stanley and also provided passenger service for all towns between Stanley and Jump River. A fascinating story. $20 – only one copy available and it is out of print.